Sahaja Yoga is a global collective of meditation practicioners following the teachings of
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

We are a non-profit movement based in Malaysia.

Sahaja Yoga is a global non-profit organization. More details on the Sahaja Yoga Foundation registered as Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (VND) can be found here at

Sahaja Yoga Malaysia, registered as Persatuan Penganut Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (PPVND) is similiarly a non-profit organization setup to legally operate and conduct meditation practices in Malaysia.

The Founder

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi quietly transformed lives. For more than forty years, she travelled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this valuable experience on to others, but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga.
Learn more about Shri Mataji →

What is Self Realisation?

Self realisation is the process of awakening the native divine spiritual energy within a human being.

This energy has been mentioned in all holy and ancient scriptures. In Sanskrit, it is called the Kundalini. Other well known references include the Rūḥ (Quran), Holy Ghost (Bible) and the Tao (Buddhism).​

Sahaja means "spontaneous", and yoga means "union". As such Sahaja Yoga is the practice by which we achieve a spontaneous union with the divine / natural force through the awakening and sustenance of our own spiritual energy (i.e. the Kundalini).​

Self realisation is the first step for a human being to regain his or her connection with this divine energy. From which point, the union is maintained through the practice of daily mediation. Join a free class to learn more about self realisation and experience it yourself.